Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First Time Slept Through The Night

Its almost 11.30 pm. Our Hern Hern seem a bit blurred now and it is a sign for him to go to sleep already. As usual, he will conquered our bed to be his every night. Usually, he will sleep together with daddy and wake up many times to morning call his daddy. But today, its mommy's turn to sleep with him. Before that, we gave him 2.5ml of fever medicine for prevention as we found that his body was a bit warm.
The bedtime routine started. We will put him on the bed and he will roll here and there. After a while, he will automatically sleep on his own. Mommy's journey with Hern Hern begins at 11.40pm. She is ready to be awaken by Hern Hern in the middle of night. Hours and hours passes by. No sound from Hern Hern. But he do tend to roll around, and Mommy "pak pak" his back and there he fall asleep again. Finally, in the morning, Hern Hern wake up. And miracle does happen, the clock is showing the time is now 8.40am. WOW! First time in history, Hern Hern never wake up in the middle of night. As a conclusion, Daddy said Mommy must continue to sleep with Hern Hern to maintain the record. Cis...
But Mommy defended with a few reasons WHY he can sleep through the night:
1) Maybe due to the fever medicine effect.
2) Instead of using the air conditioner, we sleep using the fan and opened the windows.
3) Mommy slept beside him.

And the mostly importantly, a record was being set

Sleeping Record

Record holder: Hern Hern
Duration: 11.40pm (10 May 2010) to 8.40am (11 May 2010)
(Total: 9 hours)

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