Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Weekend Activity: Desa Parkcity Park

Impressed with the park.

Looking at the kites above.

Environment friendly boy. Hern Hern was trying to pick up a rubbish.

Enjoying walking around freely as a bird.

Another happy day for him!

Oink Oink Burger

Actually the size of this pork burger is equivalent to MD Fillet O Fish size. Small and expensive.

Not impressive outlook.

A bit messy inside with onions, lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise and most importantly "Babi BOLEH".

Rating: NORMAL. Won't eat for second time.

Friday, April 23, 2010

First Hair Cut by MOM!

Ooo... What am I suppose to do here with a napkin tied over my neck?

Yes. An extreme makeover by MOM! Can I look like "Mr Iron Man"?

Ouch! Pity my hair.

Ta da! Ultraman style.

My mommy is the best hairstylist in VP & SK, and some said in KL too.

I need a bath now!

23 April : Menu of the Day


Ingredients: Fish slice (Jenahak), french beans & chopped garlic, otak-otak & seasoned beaten eggs.

End results:
Stir fried french beans with garlic
Fried slice fish with soya sauce
Eggs with otak-otak

First Time Using Price Scanner By Myself

Yeah! I found a price scanner. Now I can self scan the price of this toy.

Oh... What should I do now?

Hmm... Let me see. I remembered daddy just hold a TF toy and put near to this price scanner. He looked happy when he heard a "beep" and decided to buy it. Hopefully, daddy will buy this toy for me too!

OK. I am not as tall as daddy. I will just raised up my hand with the toy. Mr Scanner, please be cooperative with me. Please give me the "beep" sound.

BEEP! Beep!
Daddy, did you hear that? Can you please buy this toy for me now?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hong Kong Here We GO!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

First Drawing

We bought Hern Hern a set of crayons. Its time for him to learn something new and for us to preoccupied his time. He is a very active boy!

Steps by steps:
Firstly, I will only give him two crayons at one time. Too many will get myself in trouble.
Next, I will introduce the color of the crayons being given.
Then, I will show him how to hold the crayon and draw on the art block.

WARNING: This activity requires adult supervision. I must constantly reminds him on NOT to put the crayon into his mouth & MUST draw only on the paper. Not on the floor please... I need to use the "stern voice", hopefully he will remember the rules of drawing.

Full attention from Hern Hern.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

First Trip to Pasar Malam @ Sri Petaling

Pasar Malam's Scouting

Monday: Serdang Main Road
Tuesday: Sri Petaling
Wednesday: Taman Connought, Cheras
Thusday: Taman OUG
Friday: Sri Petaling (infront of Endah Villa)

Yippe! First trip to pasar malam.

Ooo... I can smell and see something yummy over there!

Pasar malam is TOO HOT for both of us. We both seem like "mandi kerbau" case.

Moldy Day!

Oh... I am craving for a slice of bread with kaya.
Thankfully, I got this bottle of kaya from Lavender to satisfy my craving. Can't wait to scoop the kaya and apply to my bread now.

Yikes! What is that on the cover of the bottle? Something BLACK! An unusual sight to be seen in a freshly open bottle.

Oh no! &%$#@! The rim of the bottle is full with black mold.

I thought maybe is already expired. But... is NOT even expired yet! Check the date "Best before 26.04.2010"

Project E- Door

Daddy & Mommy 's room

Hern Hern's room

Public washroom


How do different signs relate?

Fire with fire

As a parenting team, your strong points are your love, enthusiasm and dedication to your family. You both have plenty of energy and creativity, making it easy to relate to your children and inspiring them to be their very best. Natural leaders, you may engage in a power struggle which could distract you from your most important roles as parents.

The Aries parent likes to start activities spontaneously but must watch that temper. The way Aries jumps into commitments and activities without really thinking of the consequences is a rather child-like quality. You'll be amused to see your children doing it themselves.

The Leo mum or dad is stable, loyal and devoted. Your warm affection and unwavering support will mean the world to your children. You'll be incredibly proud of them. Together you make exceptional parents.

Monday, April 19, 2010

1st Baby Fullmoon Party of "Little Sern Sern"

Its party time!

Samuel giving a bear hug to his cousins.

Playing is a child's everyday favorite time.

Sharing toys and playing again. Never complained too tired.

Me and my favorite cute niece , Little En En!
(Ahem... Susanna is also my favorite niece too!)

The STAR of the day "Little Sern Sern"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Menu of the Day : FREE Tapau

Kung Po Fish

Buttered Prawns

My favorite: Lotus paste biscuit