Friday, July 23, 2010


Stage :
Serves : 20 servings
Cooking : 30 Minute

Utensils :

100 gm self raising flour
50 gm NestlĂ© CERELAC® Multi Grain and Mixed Fruit
1 egg, lightly beaten
100 ml Milk that is suitable for your child

Cooking Instructions
1. In a bowl, combine flour and NestlĂ© CERELAC® Multigrain and Mixed Fruit
2. Gradually whisk in egg and milk to make a thick smooth batter.
3. Drop a dessert spoons of mixture into lightly greased pan.
4. Cook until bubbles appear on surface, turn and brown other side.

Energy: 36 kcal
Protein: 1.3g
Fat: 0.7g
Carbohydrates: 6g

Good To Know:
Eggs are good source of high quality protein

Good To Remember:
Protein is needed to build and repair body tissues

NOTE : If you suspect your child could be prone allergic to egg white, wait until your child is over 2 years old before trying recipes that contain egg whites.

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