Thursday, July 22, 2010

FIRST Cinema Experience @ TGV Sunway

Our FIRST patron to Wendy

Wow! Is that Wendy's burger for me? I will eat that after I finished my healthy snack.

Better eat full. Going for our FIRST family trip to watch movie @ TGV Cinema.

Yeah! The official movie ticket for Toy Story 3 @ 1pm.

Yummy! My favorite banana.

On our way to the cinema... Go straight and up the escalator!

Ooh... We are so nervous.

The Toy Story 3 movie started at 1pm. We was well seated at J1 & J2 seats. Even Hern Hern too, he enjoyed sitting on Daddy's lap. Hern Hern was curious about this new place. Maybe deep inside his mind, he will be asking where and why this place was so dark with dim lights only.

Ok... We watched the preview of a new movie "Day & Night" for about 5 minutes. Hern Hern was still patiently looking at the big screen, still amazed at this new place. Then, he moved a bit. Asking to go to Mommy's lap. Sat there for about 5 minutes. Then moved again to return to Daddy. Later, asked to go to Mommy again. Until one stage, he decided not to sit quietly again. Trying to climb on Mommy again, finding his way to escape from being at the same stop for so long. Daddy decided to bring him to the back row, maybe he will sit there quietly and enjoyed the movie.


As a conclusion...

1) Mommy end up watching the movie alone.
2) Daddy managed to watch the beginning and ending of the movie.
3) Hern Hern won't be able to sit still AND it was not advisable to bring this boy to watch movie at the cinema or you will end up chasing him around!

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